- AMP -
• ENGL PowerBall - Best head I've ever owned. Reliable, tough, and loud as fuck. Plus the focused mid option gives my tone some extra fat.
• Marshall 4x12 - To be honest, I'm not sure exactly what this cab is, but it's loaded with 4 25 watt BlackBack speakers. Insanely gnarly.
*Dahlia to fat-awnry cat not included*
- PedalBoard -
• Homemade board
• Line 6 MM4 - I basically picked this up because I couldn't fine a Phase 90 locally. Dave's guitar in La Crosse had this thing laying around. It has phase, flange, tremolo, chorus, etc etc. Fun to mess with, and I use it for some auto-wah and flange type stuff live here and there.
• ISP Decimater - Noise gate, I try not to use this unless we have a part in a song that requires real silence, otherwise, I just like to let the amp hum and hiss all she wants.
• T. Juernig Gristle King - The king of versatile overdrives, hand-built right here in Wausau by a rad dude named Tim Juernig. We used this for most of the overdrive/distorted tones on AVOH in some way, and I have it on live for various parts to add thickness. Also, I use the second channel of it for a solo boost. It's not the cleanest of boosts, but who the hell cares, it sounds fucking awesome.
• Korg Blackout Tuner - nice and simple, registers low tunings well. Can't beat it.
• Channel switch - lets me access all 4 channels of my amp with just 2 little buttons.
• Line 6 DL4 - I use this pedal for tons of stuff. It has a bunch of great delay, and a 16 second loop, which we use live for "From Depths, I Rise" to get multiple guitar lines layered for the intro.
• Eventide SPACE - You can't find a cooler pedal than this. Honestly the only thing I've found that rivals it is the Eventide Pitchfactor, which Erik has on his board! haha. In all honesty though, If you need reverb, delay, or just some crazy sounding stuff, this pedal can do it. You could ask my wife how many times we've been listening to music only for me to turn it down and say "I bet I could make that sound with the SPACE" and you'll probably get and angry look and a answer something like "too god damned much" lol. If you ever have a chance to play

And that's it! Other than a couple LTD guitars and some monster cables!
Thanks for looking and feel free to ask questions if you have any!
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