Monday, April 18, 2011

Day X: “You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya punk?”

So, after a couple weeks of being at home, and in the grind of normal life, I was pretty excited to head back down to La Crosse and work on the vocals with Logan. If you know anything about Orwell, or have followed us in any way over the past 7 years, you'll know that there is 1 thing this band has always had a complete lack of....LUCK!

It seems that whenever we have a forward progression going, something just stops us dead in our tracks and provides another hurdle for us to have to jump. That being said, our lack of anything going our way ever, has kind of turned into another instrument of creation for us. Therefor, please understand,  this is not complaining, it's a simple statement of fact that we have all grown to accept with open arms, as more often than not, it creates an opportunity for us to do something in a different way than we had planned, which almost always results in something we can use or learn from.

Anyway, this weekend was for vocals. We had planned to basically get all the vocals done in 3 days. Not a small feat, but hey, nothing has been so far, and goals are always good to set. Anyway, Logan was feeling pretty shitty and decided to head into the hospital on friday night just to make sure his bacon vodka hangover wasn't anything more than just that. Turns out he had strep throat. How do you like that? A vocalist getting ready to work his instrument for 3 days of what was sure to be some throat destroying metal vocals and he has strep....our luck. haha

Well that put Logan out for the weekend, and by no fault of his, put  AT LEAST another week delay on the record. Will and I were determined to get SOMETHING done, and since Erik and him had been working on the bass all week, we decided to just try to work on the vocals I was going to be doing on the record. I knew this was going to be a bit of a task, mainly because the vocals I do are mostly back up/ double sort of things, rarely, if ever, do I have anything vocally that stands on its own without Logan. So Will and I went to work, listening to the demos to figure out what Logan had been doing vocally, and then recording the parts he and I had planned for me to do. Because a good portion of the time was spent with me trying to land these "doubles" in the perfect spot without the main track to line it up with, it as a slow process. It also doesn't help that I'm not really a seasoned metal vocalist. I've been doing it live and on record since the beginning of Orwell, but on this record, I am doing A LOT MORE, than and we wanted to take a more raw, honest approach to what I was doing with this record. Less "THIS IS MY METAL COOKIE MONSTER VOICE" and more "THIS IS ACTUALLY HOW I MIGHT SOUND IF I WAS GOING THROUGH THIS".

Long story short, by the time I found my range in what I was doing, my throat was pretty much shot. We pushed through and finished 2 tracks, which at this point I am very happy with, and I'll be heading down to La Crosse again within the next week or so to get Logan going and get myself finished up. By that time, the bass will be done, and vocals will be the final remaining piece of the puzzle. So, slow as it may be, this record is getting closer to the finish line day by day, and my excitement is only growing.


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